Splash the new way: SplashScreen API
You must have come across Splash Screens on mobile apps, both as a user and as a mobile developer. During my early days as a mobile developer, I mostly frowned… Read more »
You must have come across Splash Screens on mobile apps, both as a user and as a mobile developer. During my early days as a mobile developer, I mostly frowned… Read more »
Almost all mobile apps do some sort of sharing data with other apps. For example, your app might want to share URLs, images, videos or text content to other apps like Facebook, Twitter, Gmail and so…
Firebase Analytics is the default choice for mobile app analytics these days. With a very few steps, the Firebase Analytics SDK for Android and iOS can be integrated within minutes…. Read more »
Single Activity design was discussed in one of the Google I/O talks ’19 along with Android Jetpack Navigation. The Android team now recommends the Single Activity design as the preferred… Read more »
Android Security – Part I: Persisting user credentials Previous posts in this series We talked about the Android KeyStore system in brief in the last post. We will delve into… Read more »
Do you think your mobile apps are secured? Users are now more aware and suspicious about what apps they install on their devices. And rightly so, since there have been… Read more »
The objective of cryptography is to secure the communication or messages between two parties, so that any adversary(malicious) party cannot read or tamper the original communication.
You might come across this error when you are using Room database on Android. This happens because the generated schema for your tables mark some of the table’s columns as NOT NULL.
Navigation drawers are everywhere. And implementing them is easy as well. In this post, we will go through all the steps that are required to implement a navigation drawer using Kotlin.
I tried creating a new project on Android Studio 3.2.1. In the project creation wizard, choosing the minimum SDK version support as API level 21 (Android 5.0), created a project… Read more »