Flip animation in Android

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I love animations. Let’s see the video first. If you are excited, go peek at the code.
In this example, the main layout contains two ImageView widgets with two different images that are to be animated. The image views actually overlapp each other, at first, but as the animation starts, only one of them is visible at a time, while the other is invisible.
For the animation, we are using a FlipAnimator class, which extends the Animation class. Here is how we need to initialize and setup the animation.
FlipAnimator animator = new FlipAnimator(imageViewOriginal, imageViewFlip,
                        imageViewFlip.getWidth() / 2, imageViewFlip.getHeight() / 2);
 if (imageViewOriginal.getVisibility() == View.GONE) {

 There is a small check to tell the animator where to reverse the animation. This is not the perfect way, but you will get an idea. To initialize the animator, you will need to pass the original view and the flipped view and the x and y position of the axes about which it will be flipped.

The animator, internally uses a AccelerateDecelerateInterpolator.
“An interpolator where the rate of change starts and ends slowly but
accelerates through the middle.”

The main logic of the animation is written inside this method:
protected void applyTransformation(float interpolatedTime, Transformation t)

You can find the whole source code here


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