Easy Video Chooser Library for Android

After I wrote the “Easy Image Chooser library for Android“, I thought I could easily extend this library to handle other things as well. For now, I have implemented the option of choosing/recording a video. And in the future, I am planning to extend this library for choosing other types of files.

Choosing videos, is again very similar to how the images are handled. Using this library, you would be also able to choose videos that reside in your Picasa albums on your phone. And this should work for all OSes and devices.

After processing, the library would return a ChosenVideo object, which would contain the original path to the video file, and 2 differently-sized thumbnails which you can directly use as a preview.

Here is how to use this library.

  • For capturing a video using the camera

videoChooserManager = new VideoChooserManager(this, ChooserType.REQUEST_CAPTURE_VIDEO);

  •  For choosing a video from the gallery

videoChooserManager = new VideoChooserManager(this, ChooserType.REQUEST_PICK_VIDEO);

  • On Activity Result, write this

protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) {
if (resultCode == RESULT_OK &&
(requestCode == ChooserType.REQUEST_PICK_VIDEO ||
requestCode == ChooserType.REQUEST_CAPTURE_VIDEO)) {
videoChooserManager.submit(requestCode, data);

public void onVideoChosen(final ChosenVideo video) {
runOnUiThread(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
if (video != null) {
// Use the video
// video.getFilePathOriginal();
// video.getFileThumbnail();
// video.getFileThumbnailSmall();

public void onError(final String reason) {
runOnUiThread(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
// Show error message

Here’s the link to the Github project. Do let me know your thoughts and feedbacks, and also any bugs if you come across. I will try to fix them as soon as possible.

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